Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sugary Drinks

    <p>We all know water is the number one drink to quench your thirst. But when you're in the mood for a little something more, you might order up a juice, cocoa, margarita, or iced tea. Problem is, those choices can be deceptively high in sugar and calories—and in some cases, you'd be better off drinking a soda. Sugary drinks make up <a href="">almost half of all added sugar</a> in the average American's diet, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. That's why making smarter choices about these sips can pay off big time for your waistline and your health. Here are 15 places to start.</p>   

 Most people find it difficult to drink water. Some people can stay without water in a day. Some even take soda or juice instead of water. Well this is a very good example of me. For me, the truth is I prefer drinking any sweet or flavored water instead.

    It is unhealthy to take sweet liquid to quench our taste. Most of this sweet liquids like sweet tea, and flavored drinks . Sugary drinks is said to make up half of all sugar added to make up the drink. It is important to think twice before having any sip in a drink so has to live safe and create a great distance between oneself and diabetes.

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