Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Melania Trump releases letter from her lawyer on immigration status

         I have interest in polities, and think I should share this hilarious article I came across with you all. I remember during the republican debate, Republic nominee Donald trump discussed his plan for the illegal non- immigrant in the united states. Most of his speech has been mostly on the issue of the illegal non immigrant in the united states, how he is going to send them back home and his fake video about illegal immigrates coming into the united state using a non US border. if you listen to how he talks about this issue on screen, you will see that we do not need any special seer to tell his hates for the poor people seeking for better dreams in the United States. He forgot that most of this menial jobs are done by them ,  and it has really added to the country's economy.
        Sometimes, I wonder how thing would be done if people like that does not exist. I was shocked when the nominees family were interviewed  on CNN by  Anderson Cooper , when  Melania Trump spoke, I was like jeez! what an accent, every one could tell she is not born from here ;United States or raised from here. My Question now is, if Donald Trump has such product under his roof; I mean a once "illegal non immigrant", then why talk about illegal non immigrants with such hate.
            Although base on this article's link above, she claim she did not get her green card through a marriage base, but in my opinion, whether it is through a marriage, or the fact that she, Ms Trump did not receive her green card through marriage as reported by her lawyer,Rather, in 2000, Mrs. Trump self-sponsored herself for a green card as a model of 'extraordinary ability,' and on March 19, 2001, she was admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, she was once here as an illegal non immigrant , that still makes her one.
           Finally, With her struggles and "extra-ordinally ability", I expect that she should be on the side of the illegal non immigrant and derive a better strategy with her husband to ensuring a better life for the populace who still did not come here to teal or fight but seeks a better life. Also, because she was once there , the knows where the shoe hurts and her husband should understand better. To me, two things make an Identify which are; Your Accent and your look, even if one is a citizen by nationality, this two identities will definitely tell.

1 comment:

  1. If lying Trump wasn't so anti immigrant this would not be a story. His own hate and ignorance brought this down on him. She was just a poor stripper trying to land a rich husband.
