Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Distracted Driving

Mobile devices and  It's Danger

               Mobile devices are so common and efficient. The existence of social media like twitter, face book, snap chat, and the likes makes it more interesting. however, most people today, abuse it's use; they do not use  mobile device at the appropriate time, situation and place .
                 Moreover, there has been an alarming number of traffic accidents which as been traced  back to Distracted Driving.  This is as a result of the use of mobile device while on the wheel; texting, phone calls, or checking updates on  social media.
                       According to Federal Communication Commission,18 percent of injury crashes, and 16 percent of all police-reported motor vehicle traffic crashes were reported as distraction-affected crashes as reported by  the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2014.
                        Furthermore, in 2014, an estimated number of 3,179 people were killed and an estimated additional 431,000 people were wounded in motor vehicle crashes , this is also involving distracted drivers.
                       Finally, this is very alarming, despite all commercials, signs on every roads and laws placed on using mobile devices while on the wheels. Sometimes I wonder, is this a kind addiction? PLEASE! let us all try and be distracted driving free.


  1. This article is very interesting. Most of the crashes on our roads are caused by distraction. This has largely been traced to the use of mobile phones to access social media while driving especially among the young folks.

  2. This is a great article and every driver should read it. Most of the car accident in the road are cause because we are calling and specially texting while driving .
