Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Chinese woman charged in plot to steal U.S.corn Technology

Mo Yun, a Chinese woman was charged with stealing, she is married to the founder and chairman of a Chinese conglomerate that runs a corn seed subsidiary . She tried to steal patented U.S. seed technology as part of a plot to smuggle types of specialized corn from farm fields in the U.S. Midwest for use in China. Her brother   Mo Hailong, is also involved and arrested. to my surprise, others involved in the conspiracy include employees at U.S. seed companies who provided locations where experiments with the genetically altered seeds took place; or they provided gene sequencing information for the bio-engineered seeds, according to documents filed in U.S. District Court in the Southern District of Iowa. I am surprise that they were penetrated that easily.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Chattanooga bus crash: 6 children dead; Titans to help victims' families

Chattanooga bus crash: 6 children dead; Titans to help victims' families

This is a sad story. While some families are gathered together joyfully to celebrate thanksgiving, Keonte Wilson. Cor'Dayja Jones. Zyaira Mateen. D'Myunn Brown, Zoie Nash' families Was grieving for their love ones. It is a deadly school bus auto crash that the bus flip over. Zyaira Mateen ,  A 6th grade passed in her school bus auto crash. It's is a grieving day for  the families affected and the Driver. The 6th little girl's cousin reported that she has a beautiful smile. Keonte,  is reported to be very strong young man, he fought so hard however gave up the heave up and passed. Cor'Dayja on the other hand was not only eager to share thanksgiving with family but would turn 11 before this accident occurred . I feel so cold when ever I hear or read of little innocent kids passed. 

A flood of good Samaritans, ranging from the NFL's Tennessee Titans to strangers in Ohio, have rallied to help families of those killed and wounded. It is a  thing of joy to have people surport or prudent with spending. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Haha guys,does this bird looks like Donald Trump?

This is hilarious, I came across this funny picture  and article and decided to share with you all. I know its been a tough election period and the cities has not gotten over the election disappointment. However, we need to move on. Comparing Trump and this cute bird is not only funny but true, similar hair and color, its peek is no difference from Trump's mouth poise most time. I wonder what the article writer was thinking and where he got hold of this beautiful bird Trump. Do you see any similarities here? lol!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Anti Trump protests

Hi all, I just thought I should share this with you. I have a question that has been burning my heart and it goes; if thousands of Americans are out there protesting against trump, then where did he gets his vote from. . No one has ever said anything like that on the news. If you ask I would say it is shocking
    However, The college student need to stop the protest and give him a chance. Even though it has been too difficult and busy for him that he did not understand he could deliver a speech addressing the issue. Instead he got his heart pour on tweeter as usual.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Boko Haram survivors sexually abused by government officials at 'safe' camps

Hi every one! this is absurd, I thought I should share this with you all. I asked, who do we run to? book haram or government officials? I felt bad and disgusted reading this article. Why would boko haram survivors, who are still traumatize and recovering from the terrible abduction be abuse by government officials who are suppose to be protected them all.  This is still frightening ! I pray for peace in Nigeria. I hope this offenders would be justified. Its time to stand for what is right in all wise. Great Nigerians! great!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Playboy Features woman wearing hijab
For the first time in Playboy's history, the magazine is featuring a Muslim American woman wearing a Hijab

       I use to be a playboy follower. when I saw this article, I was surprised and felt I should share it with you all. First, don't even raise your eye brow because playboy has stopped posting nude pictures. This makes it understandable. I usually think people with hijab are totally not modern or do not live life to the fullest because they do not have freedom. Well, America has changed my perception and I have actually realized that having it on does not define your personality but identity. I am amazed by her confidence. She come out to this reality show regardless of what the society will think of her. however, I am on the relaxed side when I realized nudity is not encouraged on the reality show anymore haven read the headline. life is beautiful lets enjoy what it has regardless of religion, race and colour as long as we keep and acknowledge our religion and abstain from the laws that surrounds it.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sugary Drinks

    <p>We all know water is the number one drink to quench your thirst. But when you're in the mood for a little something more, you might order up a juice, cocoa, margarita, or iced tea. Problem is, those choices can be deceptively high in sugar and calories—and in some cases, you'd be better off drinking a soda. Sugary drinks make up <a href="">almost half of all added sugar</a> in the average American's diet, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. That's why making smarter choices about these sips can pay off big time for your waistline and your health. Here are 15 places to start.</p>   

 Most people find it difficult to drink water. Some people can stay without water in a day. Some even take soda or juice instead of water. Well this is a very good example of me. For me, the truth is I prefer drinking any sweet or flavored water instead.

    It is unhealthy to take sweet liquid to quench our taste. Most of this sweet liquids like sweet tea, and flavored drinks . Sugary drinks is said to make up half of all sugar added to make up the drink. It is important to think twice before having any sip in a drink so has to live safe and create a great distance between oneself and diabetes.